
Senin, 09 April 2018

The Future Plan of Fresh Fruit Business

        When we talk about your future plan, so what do you think? Do you have any planning for reach your dreams. To answer that, I think I have planning to make non commercial business of fresh fruit. So I want to make large garden with some fruit trees and everyone can eat that fruit with free cost. What? It’s impossible. . Of course that’s not true if you have good heart 😊 So let’s we see about world. There are many causes of the disease due to lack of consuming fruits.
        Fruits contain many vitamins and substances that are useful to the body. Hmm. . this is useful to help others. Who will plant the tree? Because I really like gardening so I will do it by my self and if other people want to joining with me so let’s plan the tree together 😊 When did you start this business? I think when I have enough money to start this business. Where did you start this business? I think to start in deep village. Why? I want everyone to eat fruit without worrying about the cost. How will you start it? I will do with pray and strong motivation in my heart. That's all about my future plan. So let's fight together to reach your dreams.
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