
Jumat, 06 Juli 2018

The Interview of Uda Helmi

Group Member Structure :
  1. Adam Riyadhi Nugraha (10114172)
  2. Randy Hastaji Derianto (18114894)
Assalamuallaikum Wr. Wb.

   We got a task from one of our lecturer who taught us English Business Language to make an interview about UKM (Middle-Small Businesses).
   So, we had an interview with one of the UKM - Uda Helmi owners . We talked about his background, story, ideas, reason why he chosee grilled chicken business and a lot of tips about becoming a successful entrepreneur. He also told us about how to make grilled chicken from Padang. Awesome . . .
   We are grateful to have allowed him for the interview session. Some lessons have been given how to live a good business, how to cook, motivation and passion for the younger generation.
   Curious? So, check this video ^_^

Song Track :
  • Beach - MBB
  • Childhood - Mike Chino
  • Happy - MBB
  • Journey - Declan DP
  • Paradise - Ikson
Music Provided by No Copyright Music.
Tools :
  • Adobe After Effects CS6
  • Camtasia Studio 8

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Planning of Commercial Bussiness

     Hello guys.. We meet again in an earlier discussion before about "The Future Plan". Sometimes life requires careful planning for a better life.
     So do you have any plan? Yes, I have. The planning is to building a commercial business. Excuse me sir, I don't know what a commercial business is? Ok I'll tell you. Commercial business is a business related to trading or buying and selling transactions.

     So, what is your business plan? I am planing to build rice fields and rice factories. If you want to know something, rice is the main food requirements. So, I want to build the largest rice fields to meet the needs of Indonesian people.
     This certainly requires a lot of capital (modal) and a lot of risk. I want to make Indonesia as an exporter of big rice products in Asia. I'll collecting capital (modal) by working in several companies. I'm not alone here. So, I'll invite business partners to start this business. If capital (modal) has been collected then I'll start this business by buying some land. To improve product quality, we will create an eksperimental team. Important components of rice grain quality are moisture content, empty or dirt grains, grains whiting, green grains, yellow grains, broken grains and red grains. (Mujisihono, 1980). So, to maintain this good quality will certainly find a suitable place and fertile with irrigation channels. Besides that, maintaining the quality of fertilizer and seeds also need to be taken into record. Okey that's all about today discuss, spesially about commercial business plan. Nothing will happen without effort. See you next time.
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Senin, 09 April 2018

The Future Plan of Fresh Fruit Business

        When we talk about your future plan, so what do you think? Do you have any planning for reach your dreams. To answer that, I think I have planning to make non commercial business of fresh fruit. So I want to make large garden with some fruit trees and everyone can eat that fruit with free cost. What? It’s impossible. . Of course that’s not true if you have good heart 😊 So let’s we see about world. There are many causes of the disease due to lack of consuming fruits.
        Fruits contain many vitamins and substances that are useful to the body. Hmm. . this is useful to help others. Who will plant the tree? Because I really like gardening so I will do it by my self and if other people want to joining with me so let’s plan the tree together 😊 When did you start this business? I think when I have enough money to start this business. Where did you start this business? I think to start in deep village. Why? I want everyone to eat fruit without worrying about the cost. How will you start it? I will do with pray and strong motivation in my heart. That's all about my future plan. So let's fight together to reach your dreams.
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